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EYE GLASSES: Are Transition Lenses a Good Choice?

Eye Glasses come in many forms, shapes and sizes. Choosing

By Published On: 23 June 20123.1 min read

Eye Glasses come in many forms, shapes and sizes. Choosing what glasses to wear can be a difficult task when you have a wide range of options before you. Here is one type of lens that you might want to consider when you get your eye glasses.

Transitions lenses are made with a photochromic dye system which enables them to darken when exposed to the ultraviolet light of the sun. The darkness of the lenses’ shade adjusts to the intensity of the ultraviolet rays. At nighttime or when there is no ultraviolet light, the lenses appear clear. Transitions lenses enable you to wear an eye glass and sun glass at the same time. You can be assured of 100% ultraviolet blockage regardless of the level of tint.

Here are some other interesting facts that would surely entice you to pick Transitions lenses for your eye glasses:

•    These highly flexible lenses help reduce glare, eye fatigue and eye strain because your eyes are protected against constant variations in light.

•    Transitions lenses can be used by persons with different vision problems. They come in different designs and materials, ranging from standard and higher index to shatter-resistant materials. They can also be single vision lenses and progressives.

•    Transitions lenses change fast. Within 35 seconds from exposure to the ultraviolet light of the sun, they can reach 70% tint. Within a few minutes from the disappearance of the ultraviolet rays, they can be 70% clear.

•    When your eye glasses have Transitions lenses, they can adjust to shifting light conditions that help you discern objects of different size, contrast and brightness. Over-all, you will see better in all light conditions.

•    Transitions lenses are strongly recommended for persons whose vision is at risk when exposed to light and ultraviolet radiation. These include those with specific eye or medical conditions like cataract and diabetes that affect night vision and contrast sensitivity. Some medications are also known to cause sensitivity to direct sunlight and/or bright light. Transitions lenses are also ideal for persons who just underwent eye surgery.

•    Children wearing eye glasses are perfect users of Transitions lenses. They spend a lot of time outdoors where they are exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. This is essential because the crystalline lenses in their eyes are young and have yet to fully develop. Because of this, the lenses allow ultraviolet light to penetrate the eye which can cause potential damage.

•    For purposes of driving, you can use Transitions XTRActive lenses which activate to a comfortable level of tint behind the windshield of a car. The darkness level of these lenses is comparable to sun glasses when you are driving under sunny conditions.

•    Normally, Transitions lenses last the lifetime of the prescription.

Now that we have the positives, are there any negatives about Transition lenses?

Like any product there are always things they do not do.

  • Sun protection is also about how large the lens is.  The larger the lens the better the protection.  Transition lenses are always best in fashionable optical frames, which typically are smaller in size.  These unfortunately allow stray ultraviolet light from top, bottom and the sides.
  • If you anticipate spending hours outside in a glary environment you are far better off having specialized large wrap around polarized sunglasses.  These are far more effective that Transition lenses

If you are one of those people who could not be bothered having to carry eye glasses and sun glasses and having to switch between the two as the weather requires, then you will definitely benefit from wearing Transitions lenses.

At The Eye Practice we have a massive range of fashionable and practical frames, which can be custom designed for your specific lifestyle and visual needs.

Call us now on (02) 9290 1899 or book an appointment.


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