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Determining What Computer Vision Syndrome Is

Computer Vision Syndrome is one of the more common problems […]

By Published On: 12 December 20123.2 min read

Computer Vision Syndrome is one of the more common problems that many people experience these days because of extensive use of computers and long-hours of facing the computer monitor. This can lead to discomfort and can make it hard to see clearly. What characterizes this eye problem and how should you avoid it?

Common Symptoms

The symptoms for computer vision syndrome can be quite tricky since they can be easily disregarded as just something that is not related to vision.

Here are some of the hints that this eye problem might be striking:

•    Eyestrain.
This is associated with fatigue or pain within the area around the eyes. This is also termed Asthenopia.
•    Dry Eyes. This makes it difficult, or even painful to blink and could also trigger itchiness
•    Blurred Vision. The sight may seem a bit cloudy, hazy or defocused
•    Neck and Shoulder Pain.
For extreme strain on the eyes, the neck and shoulder area can also feel stiff
•    Headaches. Headaches could range from mild to sever, throbbing pain

Usual Causes

The computer vision syndrome can be a result of several different factors. Usually, when the computer screen is too bright and the surrounding environment lacks lighting, the eyes need to exert extra effort to focus. Hence, it would be strained much easier.

Improper room light is one of the more common reasons for computer vision syndrome. When the room is not lit and the monitor is glaring and bright, the eyes will suffer.

Even the person’s distance from the monitor is a big factor. Pupils tend to have difficulty in dilating or adjusting properly when the eyes are too close to the bright light of the monitor. The right sitting position can also be a reason why there is not sufficient distance from the eyes to the monitor.

For individuals with other eye problems like astigmatism, farsightedness or nearsightedness, there is also increased tendency to trigger computer vision syndrome.


For people who are not affected by computer vision syndrome yet, preventing this problem is not such a difficult task. Here are some of the best ways to avoid it:

•    Wearing the right type of eyeglasses when using the computer is an effective method of preventing computer vision syndrome. The lenses need to have tints or coating which reduces the effect of the monitor’s glare. This applies even for individuals who do not have any vision problems yet.

•    Tinted spectacle lenses can be very important in reducing the effects of computer vision syndrome, as up to 20% of the population is very sensitive to the light levels of the newer high resolution screens. This condition is called Scotopic Sensitivity syndome or Irlen syndrome. Symptoms of eye strain can be significantly controlled by prescription of precision tinted lenses using a sophisticated instrument called a Colorimeter.

•    Maintain proper distance and angle of the computer screen. Ideally, it should be about 15 to 20 degrees below eye level. Eyes should not get any closer than 20 to 28 inches away too.

•    Soft lighting which gives off enough glow for the entire room is necessary too. Do not opt for those which directly hit the monitor, like overhead lamps, because this will intensify the glare of the screen.

•    To ensure that the amount of glare that comes from the monitor is regulated, install an anti-glare screen on the computer. These can be easily clipped but significantly reduces that brightness of the monitor.

Allow the eyes to rest at least every 20 minutes too. This could be as simple as blinking or staring at a distance for a few seconds.

At The Eye Practice we take computer related eye problems seriously because being located in the city we encounter this problem every single day.  Eliminating or reducing its effects makes a massive difference to ones working life.  If you are experiencing issues using the computer call us on (02) 9290 1899 or BOOK an APPOINTMENT ONLINE.



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