The secret thief of sight.
Flashes and floaters
What to do if flashes and floaters suddenly appear.
Eye strain
Eye Strain is also known as Asthenopia.
An eye condition that results in watery eyes.
When the skin around the eyelids has lost some of its elasticity and tone
When eyelids (mostly the lower) turn outwards, leaving your eye exposed.
Drusen are toxic waste deposits under the retina.
Double vision
You can suffer double vision in one eye or both eyes together.
Diabetic eye disease
Did you know that diabetes can have an impact on your eye sight?
Consider your health at work
Posture, regular breaks and blink blink blink!
Conjunctivitis - or pink eye - is an eye condition that can cause significant discomfort to the eyes.
Computer vision syndrome
Computer Vision Syndrome is the combination of eye and body muscle strain.